Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Reason Why Their Covid-19 Battle Is a Lost Cause
6 Words to Describe America's Reason Why Their Covid-19 Battle Is a Lost Cause
By Robert Alan Stewart
America did not take covid-19 seriously enough but they were not the only ones. The Brazil president described it as a little flu. There was no organised plan for dealing with the pandemic. It was as though the disease will just fade away with time and everything will return to normal in a few weeks. In April (2020) President Trump said "I want everyone back to work by Easter."
It wasn't just the president who underrated coronavirus. The American people did as so many of the completely ignored social distancing and mask wearing rules.
America's response to covid-19 can be put down to arrogance. It is an unwillingness to learn from the experience of other countries such as Italy, Spain, and France. President Trump did say, "Europe is the epicentre of coronavirus," but none of the state's governors responded with any urgency. It is as though no one can teach them anything. Don't you know we (America) is the greatest country in the world. How dare anyone tell us what we should do. This is not entirely President Trump's fault; it is part of American DNA. The US certainly did not just become that way since Trump took office. It seems to be a part of their DNA.
Pride sees what is happening to other countries and says, "That will not happen to us." Once again, it is the inability of American politicians from learning from the experiences of other countries. Compare this to countries such as New Zealand and Australia that have seen how other countries have dealt with covid-19 and learned from their experiences.
Selfishness is the main reason why America's death toll from covid-19 is the highest in the world. When New York was the epicentre of the American outbreak one of their neighbouring states talked about closing the border but the response was, "We will take legal action." It seems a lot of Americans are unwilling to make any sacrifice in order to save lives. In the Black LIves Matter protests, people went against health advice to participate in the protests and ignored social distancing rules.
Apathy explains a person's attitude to anything. Apathy means, "You do not care about anything." The lack of social distance in America during the Black Lives Matter protests and the fourth of July celebrations shows how little so many cared about the risk of catching or passing on covid-19. So many have paid the ultimate price for America's apathy in responding to the covid-19 crisis that the finger should not be pointed at any one person in particular, especially the President.
Indifference is basically the same as apathy. The difference says, "If you are indifferent to something you have no interest in it." People who are indifferent about covid-19 think that it is other people who are making all the sacrifices. Just as long as their own lives are not being inconvenienced by the steps their government is taking to combat the spread of covid-19 they are happy.
Change does not come easily in America; those who have fought to bring about positive changes in society have experienced this. Often, changes in American society have been brought in as a result of changes in other countries. New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the vote, then other countries followed suit. It was the same with slavery. Other countries outlawed this practice long before America did.
Change does not come easily to America; take racial inequality for example, even in 2020 it is still a big issue which has not been addressed. It is the same with Justice reform and gun reform. There is still a reluctance to change things for the better.
Bob Stewart has been involved in a letter writing campaign for Florida woman Jennifer Mee who is serving a life without the possibility of parole sentence after being involved in a fatal mugging and as he has discovered, Americans and in particular politicians don't like changing. You can read his posts on
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New Zealand covid 19
New Zealand, An Island Nation's Amazing Defense To Corona Virus!
By Srinivasa Govindarajan
When the entire world is reeling by the devastating rampage in its popula-
tion, this small island nation managed to strangle the spread of this menace from the earliest stages just by preventive measures. The adjust-ments and cooperation between the Government and the general public shines as a beacon of hope to all other nations of the world. The early awareness of the gravity of the situation and the immediate preventive measures taken spared this island from future major course corrections.
All these actions prevented major loss of lives, no economic stresses and a population saved from the onslaught of virulent menace. All these achieved
with no antidote, no antiserum and no new discoveries from medical field.
Observing the spiralling epidemic and its devastating impacts in Europe, he says the Government was "determined to minimize the impact of COVID-19" in New Zealand. From late February through March, the country progressively tightened restrictions.
"It was recognized that implementing this strategy would have significant economic costs, but so would a major outbreak," he explains. "So New Zealand took a precautionary approach and on 26 March, apart from essential workers, the entire country was required to self-quarantine at home."
New Zea;and sets an uncomproimising austerity controls. Only commerce
allowed was operation of grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, and petrol stations. Vehicle travel was restricted and social interactions was limited to households.
Bolstered by a team of scientists and health care officials the austerity measures were formulated and acted upon effectively including this country lockdown. Instead of just slowing down the virus, it grabbed the opportunity tp eliminate the threatening covid-19 menace. It choked the virus in its entirety.
WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific, Dr Takeshi Kasai, explains that New Zealand combined strict physical distancing with strong testing, contact tracing, clinical management of those infected, and clear and regular public communication. The country also took steps to cushion the economic blow.
Not letting down their guard:
"New Zealand certainly benefited from being a high-income, island country with an advanced health system," says Dr Kasai."But they didn't take any-thing for granted," he adds. "They worked concertedly to limit and stop COVID-19 on their shores and support other countries in the Region.
New Zealanders worked together to keep case numbers low and stamp out the virus at home. But they are not resting on that success. New Zealand has not let down its guard, says Dr Kasai.
'"New Zealand continues to be vigilant," he says. "The Government is rightly cautioning that the virus is still circulating around the world and that New Zealand must work hard to keep it from returning. They also must maintain readiness to reintroduce control measures if it does.""
Constant vigilance, due diligence in the interest of the well being of the community of this entire nation and the amazing cooperation of the public
helped remain a healthy robust community and a role model to the world.
Article Source:,-An-Island-Nations-Amazing-Defense-To-Corona-Virus!&id=10330726
COVID booster shot
Covid-19 Prevention
By Dr. Tim G Williams
In today's high tech world the prospect of living longer is all but assured by the marvels of modern medicine. But, with the advances in medical technology and updated vaccines has always come with purse strings. Through-out history it has always been the more affluent that are the first ones and in many cases are the only ones to be the beneficiaries of medicine and medical procedures. In too many instances people have died just because of the affordability factor. Case in point: When the AIDS vaccine was first introduced to increase the life expectancy of those infected was available to only those who could afford it. Consequently, more people even to this day succumb to this deadly disease.
We have come a long way in medical discoveries since the 1980's. Education is still a critical factor in preventing illnesses. That old saying " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is still very relevant even today, especially in the prevention of AIDS and this current Covid-19 plague. With the CDC and the AMA jointly promoting Covid-19 vaccinations similar to those vaccinations administered to children before entering school has serious flaws. Years ago when a child was of school age the required vaccinations were the MMR {Mumps, Measles, and Rubella}. Now, today there are so many vaccinations that are mandated by each state it defies logic. As a result this shows just how much the Pharmaceutical industry controls the CDC and the AMA and not the other way around.
What is driving this increase of mandated vaccinations is the question that nobody in government is willing to be concerned about. Meanwhile, the United States has seen a steady rise in illnesses, ailments and other assorted diseases that have made this nation one of the least healthiest country around the world. It is worth mentioning that the medical community has always favored the Pharmaceutical industry for antidotes for various diseases and aliments instead of educating the public of what are the root causes of all these diseases and ailments. In remembering Chiropractic Medicine it took years before the AMA finally recognized that Chiropractic procedures were viable forms of reliable medical practice.
Now, today with the Covid-19 pandemic ragging the Pharmaceutical industry was very aggressive in pursuing antidotes to curb the onslaught of this very contagious virus. The CDC and the AMA were both onboard to sanction along with the FDA's approval of the now prescribed vaccines have unleashed a frenzy to inoculate as many people as possible. Unknown variables still exist with these vaccines. This leads to more questions about the swift process of their development. Are they really safe with little or no side effects? Does this vaccine require yearly booster shots? And, what is the actual cost that is incurred?
Each year we see flu vaccinations being administered all across the country. You can get the vaccine at most CVS or Walgreens and even at Walmart. It should be noted that when this Covid-19 vaccine rolled out the same distribution should have been followed with the yearly flu vaccines. But, sadly it was not. Consequently, the distribution has met with ongoing problems increasing tensions all across the country when at a time our troubles just keep piling up. There are still desperate people who believe that this vaccine is the great cure all. Unfortunately, the verdict is still out.
To eradicate this virus and even the every day cold and flu requires our understanding of the root causes that trigger one to become infected to begin with. First, we have to understand the Pharmaceutical industry is a multi Billion dollar conglomerate whose sole purpose is profit orientated. Designed really not for the publics health but for profit. The public continues to be riddled with more diseases and aliments every year while spending more for cures that really don't solve the cause of their disease or aliment. And, the medical community has been very reluctant in accepting innovations that circumvent their traditional approach on medical practices. Today, it is basically a money game played with peoples lives and their health.
What needs to be done is a double edge sword. There is no doubt that many vaccines have increased mankind's survival rates, stopped the spread of contagious deadly diseases and turned potential epidemics into minor outbreaks. But, nobody has really addressed preventative solutions that would and can make humanity free from being susceptible to the kinds of illnesses we are seeing today. For decades the American public's diet has been suffering extreme depletion of vital nutrients that increase immune systems. The industrialization of food sources has rendered much of the public to suffer the consequences of non nutrient edible food. When we think abut the bodies immune system we rarely consider what we eat as a way of preventative medicine. But, in reality that is the greatest factors of how to prevent one from becoming ill.
That saying "your are what you eat" has an awful allot to do regarding your overall health and increased immune efficiency. Today, we see allot of advertising on probiotics but very little mention of prebiotics, both together make up Butyrate. It is Butyrate that is essential for the body to function at optimum levels. With out sufficient Butyrate in your diet the bodies immune system falters so that you are more susceptible to contract all sorts of diseases and ailments. The problem today is that the foods containing Butyrate don't have the potency they should have. All because of the lack of nutrient rich soil in which most of our food is grown. Let's be clear the immune system is the bodies way of fending off potential threats to ones health. And when the immune system is not up to snuff as they say we become very susceptible to all sorts of illness and viruses like Covid-19.
With the safety guidelines already in place like social distancing, hand washing, face masks are all safety measures to avoid infection but the main source of reducing this Covid-19 pandemic is to increase our bodies immune system. When our immune system is a peak level the severity of any disease that just happens to infect one is met with a swift attack to minimize the severity and a quick recovery ensues. We need to reduce our dependency of the industrialization of our food and return to individual family farming. When we do farms return to the rotation of crops so the soil has a year to regain the nutrients that are necessary to produce nutrient rich Butyrate in the food that is grown.
Butyrate is the one component that is critical in the reduction of disease and with out sufficient levels of Butyrate in our bodies we become receptors of so many devastating health concerns that have only increased our dependency on the Pharmaceutical industry and their drugs. Drugs that only increase more drug dependency. Drugs that won't actually cure the many illnesses that so many of us become infected with. This Covid-19 virus can be prevented or if one becomes infected their illness is greatly less severe and their recovery is that much quicker all because of the level of Butyrates in our digestive track.
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Covid-19 Vaccines
Covid-19 Vaccines - Have We Seen the Last of Them?
By Bob Moglia
Recently you heard the President Joe Biden state that there will be enough supply to vaccinate the "ADULT" population by the end of May. Currently, Johnson & Johnson is the only vaccine approved for those 16 and up. Both Moderna and Pfizer are 18 and up. So what about those under the age of 16? Of the 358 million in the USA, 16 and under comprise about 80 million plus and thats just in the USA. Phase 3 trials for those 16 and under won't be completed until end of 4th quarter 2021. This leaves plenty of room for other smaller less traditional companies like Tonix and Occugen to get their products to market.
This takes in to consideration only the under 16 population in the USA not to mention, the continuing question? Will this be a "flu Shot" scenario? It very well could be. With all three current providers working their own variety of "booster" shot. If they did not believe it was necessary than why are they working on it. Why are other companies continuing to develop their vaccines if they did not believe this as well? It is clearly evident that globally and in the US there is room for other vaccine candidates
The world as a whole will be utilizing many more than the 3 vaccines we see in the US. China has its own vaccine as well as Russia. Many variations from many countries. Also, there are many countries looking to secure enough to vaccinate its own population. Lots of competition in a less than crowded market. Even more reason for other companies to continue to bring their vaccine to market.
Look at the way this is all trending. With all this in mind we would be hard pressed to imagine an ending to Covid-19 anytime soon. It has been reported that worldwide only 3.5 doses per 100 people have been administered. In some countries not even a single dose has gone out. Countries such as Japan, Australia, Iran, Eygpt, Thailand and a host of others show less than 1% vaccinated.
The US had 79.26 million visitors from foreigh countries last year alone. With tracvel restrictions easing as vaccinations roll out, we are likely to see a boost to tourism. What will the impact be? how do we protect those under 16 as society returns to normal?
One thing is for sure, dont let your guard down just yet, this Covid thing is not over.
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Monoclonal Antibody - Alternatives
Monoclonal Antibody - Alternatives for Treating Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
By Groshan Fabiola
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or NHL is a serious affection which occurs due to the presence of B cells (B lymophocytes), a type of white blood cells which usually lead to severe complications such as tumors. Even though, treatments with chemotherapy and radiation are considered effective for many people who suffer from NHL, on the other hand for many pantients these procedures can be very toxic.
In addition to this, specialists have developed in the laboratories a new theraphy to treat NHL, a theraphy known as Monoclonal-antibody which has been proved to be safe and effective for certain patients. As we know the body produces antibodies, substances which have the role to fight against bacteria and viruses. Moreover, monoclonal antibodies have been produced in laboratories like many other antibodies and have the role in producing anti-tumor effects. Since most NHL patients have B cells, treatment with monoclonal-antibodies has brought important results in healing lymphoma and much more they have been prescribed with other toxin or radioactive particles that usually kill cells.
Furthermore, monoclonal antibody treatments usually include medications as Rituxan or Bexxar. First of all, treatments with Rituxan are considered very effective for people who suffer from NHL and may be used for other types of lymphomas too. Rituxan is the only monoclonal antibody treatment approved for NHL and most of the time has been studied in patients that have relapsed low grade NHL. Moreover, it can be taken without other medicines and it is usually given intravenously once a week for 4 weeks. In contrast to other procedures, Rituxin doesn't offer serious side effects such as hair loss, vomiting, and low blood counts.
Secondly, another monoclonal antibody which is being tested in laboratories is Bexxar. This medicine is a murine monoclonal antibody and doesn't have a naked form due to the presence of a radiocative iodine molecule which is attached to it. Just like Rituxan, this agent is administered intravenous with the first dose having a trace amount of radioactivity and the second dose containing most of the radioactive iodine. On the other hand, Bexxar has some negative aspects, such as fever, chills or shakes and in some cases NHL patients may have temporary drop in blood counts.
Thirdly, another monoclonal antibody which has been studied as NHL treatments is Oncolym. This agent has been studied in a radiolabeled form like Bexxar and has proved to be toxic like other radiolabeled antibodies. In contrast, LL2 is a humanized antibody, using a naked, unlabeled form as well as a radiolabeled form.
To conclude, monoclonal antibodies can be very effective in treating NHL due to their low toxicity and also the advantage of combining them with each other and also by using them in combination with chemotherapy or other procedures. It is important to say that people who suffer from NHL should be aware of their condition and become well-informed in order to follow the suitable treatment.
So, if you want to find out more about non hodgkins lymphoma or even about mantle cell lymphoma please visit this link
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Monoclonal Antibody
Humanized Monoclonal Antibody Therapies in Neoplastic Disease
By T Bell
In the last ten years the treatment of many types of cancer has been revolutionized by monoclonal antibody therapies. There are many, many print and audiovisual advertisements for these drugs bringing them into the public mainstream.. So, this brings to point some important questions: 1) What are monoclonal antibodies? 2) What types of cancer are treatable by this therapy? 3) What is the basic mechanism of action, i.e., How do these drugs work?
Antibodies are the body's natural immune defense against invading pathogens. They are produced by specific cells of the immune system termed B cells. When an infection of the body occurs, the immune system takes note. After a brief time, when the front line defenses of the immune system battle the infection, [termed the innate immune response- the first line of battle], the cellular part of the fight takes over [the adaptive response]. The adaptive immune response involves antigen presenting cells, T and B cells. Very briefly, what happens within your body when an infection occurs is this: Circulating "detectives" called macrophages and dendritic cells find the infection and literally eat it or eat cells infected [in the case of a viral infection]. The cells then "present" specific protein parts of the eaten pathogen [bacteria or virus--called antigens] to cells called T and B cells. This is a call to arms: this is literally a scream saying "time to kick butt" by the immune system. The T cells are activated by the B cells upon finding the presenting antigen. The B cells then decide that they can better fight by changing themselves into a plasma cell. This is where the action happens. The B cell changes into a protein pumping machine, the protein being antibodies. The antibodies then go find from the blood the pathogen that the original antigen presenting cells early in the infection encountered. When the antibodies find their target, they bind to it and mark it for death. Think of this as a ball with toilet plungers attached. The wooden handle is what tells the immune system, "this thing needs to die".
This is the basic theory behind monoclonal cancer therapy. Except in the context of monoclonal antibody cancer treatment, the antibodies are produced to a single epitope (a particular protein that the immune system readily sees from a cancer cell). These cells are then taken into the laboratory, grown and stimulated to produce a single antibody that "sees" a cancer cell.
An example of monoclonal antibody treatment in cancer is Herceptin. Herceptin is a monoclonal antibody specific for an antigen called HER2. HER2 is a protein that is more prevalent on cancer cells of the breast than in normal cells. This protein is from a family of receptors that tells normal cells to grow. The drug then takes advantage of this and can specifically target cancer cells of the breast in order to kill them. This drug too has side effects of being NOT heart friendly.
Another good example of neoplastic cancer therapy is the drug termed Rituxan (Rituximab). Rituxan is a monoclonal antibody directed towards the antigen CD20 on circulating lymphocytes of the blood and is indicated for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It works by depleting the blood of cells that have over-produced cells that have CD20 on their cell surface. When the antibody binds, like Herceptin, the body sees those cells as foreign and kills them.
So, the question is now that we know what neoplastic antibody therapy is, how does this killing work?
The current research and thinking is that when cancer cells are coated by these antibody drugs, the extending end of the antibody [called the Fc portion] attracts Natural Killer, NK, cells from the immune system. These cells actually have receptors that recognize this very event. When NK cells find antibody coated cells, they bind to them tightly and commence to kill them. The close proximity of the two cells allows the NK cell to release protein degradating enzymes, and other cytotoxic elements to kill the target.
This entire process is termed Antibody Dependent Cellular Toxicity, ADCC.
ADCC is a powerful tool being utilized by numerous biotech companies with the intent to augment the immune response with other, novel drugs. Such drugs that come to mind are TLR agonists, chemotherapy drugs and gene transfer strategies.
Genentech makes Herceptin, while Rituximab is in combination with Biogen Idec/Genentech. Both drugs are multimillion dollar assets to both companies. The side effects of Herceptin have been documented and are under intense research to understand them. Rituxan continues to be a key element to the bottom line of both companies with it's successful treatments.
Herceptin is produced by Genentech.
Rituxan is another monoclonal antibody treatment indicated for the treatment of lymphoma.
T Bell posts regularly at [] There, T Bell interprets scientific clinical trial data and relates this to the current stock price of a particular company. In addition, with the help of what is that drug, they post how drugs most advertised in the media work within the body at [] T Bell has advanced research experience in pathology, cell biology, immunology and pharmacology.
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Snake Eyes Golf Clubs Review
Snake Eyes Golf Clubs Review - Why I Love My Snake Eyes Golf Clubs
By Jason Blakely
I know how frustrating it can be to find the right set of golf clubs, especially for the right price! I did my fair share of research before I decided to go with Snake Eyes clubs from Golfsmith. During my research I would always appreciate any sort of review or feedback from actual users about the product I was looking at. And that is why I chose to write this article. I hope the information here will help you while deciding which clubs are right for you!
I use the following Snake Eyes golf clubs with great confidence.
Driver - Ti-460 driver head, Pro-launch 65 Wood shaft, and Snake Eyes G8 grip
I love this driver! It is easy to hit and offers tremendous ball control. I have the 10.5 degree model and I probably would have been even better off with the 9.5 degree since I naturally have a higher trajectory. It feels and sounds good when striking the ball which makes using this club all that much more enjoyable for me. I used to have a pretty bad slice, but after working with this club I can now hit the ball straight and a lot farther too.
Fairway Woods - Quick Strike II Utility Wood Heads, Adila Gamer Hybrid shaft and Snake Eyes Velvet grips
The best thing about these clubs is the sound! I have two of these, one with a 15 degree loft and one with a 19 degree loft. I use the 15 degree as I would a 3 or 5 wood, but I feel it is more versatile. I am able to use these as easily and effectively in the rough as I do in the fairway, which was hard for me to do with a regular 3 wood. I use the 19 degree club as I would a 3 or 4 iron.
Irons - Python O/S Iron Head, Snake Eyes XL-90 shaft, Snake Eyes velvet grip
These irons are very forgiving. I do not have the most consistent swing but you could not tell by how well the ball comes off of the club. They feel well constructed and have given me more confidence in my game. I only bought the odd numbered clubs to start out with but will soon get the rest.
Whether you are already interested in Snake Eyes golf clubs, or if this is the first you have heard of them, you should check out my dedicated review site here for even more information!
One more thing, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have in the Feedback or comment sections of the sites mentioned above. I would be happy to hear from you.
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Snake Eyes Costumes
Snake Eyes Costumes
By Rochelle Stenway
With the release of the new GI Joe movie, the Snake Eyes character has become even more popular. Even though this GI Joe character dates back to it's introduction to the public from the pages of comic books, Snake Eyes and his nemesis Storm Shadow, are going to be some of the most popular costumes this fall.
It doesn't matter what event you need your Snake Eyes costumes for. This is a great costume choice, particularly for fans. The Snake Eyes costume is wonderful for a theme costume party. It can also be a good addition to any Halloween bash.
Fortunately, for fans of all ages, this costume is available for both adults and children. The children's costume includes the traditional black jump suit. It also has its real looking Snake Eyes mask. This mask is also black, with its attached visor. Your child will definitely look like the real deal. He will also feel like this action hero, as well.
The jump suit of this costume, has a padded muscle look. Not only will this costume provide a classic look, it is also muscle bound. The jump suit of this child's costume is a beautiful design. It has attached arm guards and leg holsters. Both of these give your costume a true character appearance.
It doesn't matter what size your child is, you will be able to find the right costume. These costumes typically come in small, medium, and large. Some of the accessories, are going to be wonderful. One of these is the Snake Eyes sword and sheath. Your character will appear to be a real warrior, with this accessory.
Some children will definitely want the Snake Eyes combat vest and holster. This gives your costume, yet another combat motif. With this costume on, you will be able to witness your very own little action fighter. Remember to take pictures of this memorable costume.
The adult Snake Eyes costume, is a very authentic looking costume. Included with this costume is the classic black jump suit and hood. The Snake Eye jump suit has a padded muscle chest, giving your character a wonderful appeal. The hood has an attached visor that looks a great deal like the real thing. In fact, you will look like you've just stepped off the big screen!
This costume has some really wonderful accessories. These are all available to separate purchases. One of these are the gloves. These gloves are the traditional black with silver arm bands. These only serve to accentuate your overall outfit. The Snake Eyes sword and sheath are two well-needed accessories. What real warrior would go without his weapons?
Shoes are also an important component to this ensemble. Black shoes will perfectly match your costume. These shoes along with black socks are a necessary addition to this costume. You will need, both of them to achieve the look you really want. Remember when searching, for the right shoes, shop for comfort, too. Yes, looks are important! But you will need to find shoes that feel good, as well. Since you'll be wearing them for hours, this will be especially important.
Rochelle Stenway is a fashion enthusiast and part time costume designer. Learn more about Snake Eyes Costumes [] and check out the wide selection of Snake Eyes Halloween Costumes [] available this year.
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Why Halo Is My Star Wars
"I Am Your Shield, I Am Your Sword" - Why Halo Is My Star Wars
By Rob Richardson
Before I go on please note that I did NOT say "Halo is better than Star Wars" so this isn't an argument for or against either franchise. As I typed the title I could already feel the Force grip of millions of Jedi's around my neck whilst in the back of my mind I could hear the chant of "This is not the article you should be writing" repeatedly, Obi-Wan style!
Halo is my favourite franchise of all time. I love the game, I love the story and I love the idea. It's another cultural phenomenon that has captivated not only the imagination of gamers but those outside the community as well.
Star Wars and Halo are very different beasts but what they represent - culturally - is very similar.
Star Wars means a lot to a huge amount of people and rightfully so.
The original trilogy is fantastic. The trial of good over evil represented through ideas such as the Force, utilized by the opposing ideals of the Jedi and Sith, was completely original and fascinating at the time. George Lucas' creation captured the hearts and minds of not only Sci-Fi fans but families and children across the world.
The shocking revelation that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father at the climax of The Empire Strikes Back and his redemption at the end of Return of the Jedi were shining examples of imaginative vision and an apt conclusion to an inspiring series of movies.
Subsequent movies, comic books, novels, and video games; further filled out the Star Wars universe introducing us to many unique characters and a galaxy complete with its own history, myths and legends.
The impact of the original trilogy and the franchise is recognized throughout modern cinema and pop culture. There are not many people who have no idea what a Stormtrooper is or couldn't point out an Ewok in a crowd. Star Wars has touched millions of people.
I was not around when Episode IV: A New Hope was released in 1977 but I watched the movies on TV on numerous bank holidays and Christmas vacations before owning them on VHS and DVD. Countless viewings served to immerse me in the story.
But immersion is the key.
Star Wars used the media at the time it was released to tell a story. It was one of the first blockbuster movies. Special effects were getting better and George Lucas was able to utilize these, as well as a brilliantly crafted plot and a rich ensemble cast, to broadcast his vision worldwide.
Halo: Combat Evolved, similarly, used the technology of the time to introduce a new generation to a vast science fiction universe using the Xbox back in 2001.
Cinema, which provided something more stimulating than books to the youth of its day, is now nowhere near as immersive (there's that word again) a tool than a game is.
If handled correctly, a game can absorb the player, and weave itself in their consciousness, making the experience incredibly personal.
As a game, it was a stand-out contribution by Bungie to the First Person Shooter genre. The controls were weighted, the visuals sharp and pristine and the gameplay was perfect. The multiplayer aspect was amazing. It later even allowed gamers to use map editor Forge to create their own arenas of battle and create sculptures within the Halo setting.
The key though was how involving it was.
Becoming Master Chief John-117 (although his name was not revealed until Halo 3) meant you took the reigns of the last SPARTAN warrior, humanities last, best hope in the final years of an intergalactic war in the 26th century. This soldier was a honed killing machine but was more than just a robotic nobody who the player could dive in and out of. Who was this mysterious character? Why was he the last of his kind? What were his motivations? What were his origins?
The environment was equally as absorbing. One moment you were battling through the corridors of the Pillar of Autumn and the next you were looking out of forests and mountains of Halo; a massive, artificial ring-world. At some points, when facing in the right direction, you could see the immense construct reach up into the sky above you to meet its apex before curling back round behind you. You were left asking more questions - who built this world? What were they like? Why was it so valuable to your enemies?
You faced off against the Covenant. This was a multi-racial theocracy. Lead by The Prophets, this society was on a quest to take back all Forerunner artifacts (the beings who had built Halo) in the belief that this was a spiritual journey. They reviled humanity and viewed the Chief as a demon who stood in their way to enlightenment. Again, I was left wanting more - who were these aliens? What was their Great Journey? Why were they so malevolent?
On exploring Halo, Master Chief and the United Nations Space Command Marines unleash a terrible entity know as The Flood. This species, controlled by a being known as the Gravemind, took control over any living creature and distorted it, using it as host and fed upon anything in its path. Why were they sealed away on Halo? How long had they been there?
The game posed many questions and was so well put together that it attracted a huge fan base. People flocked in droves to purchase the game and I'm sure it worked in Microsoft's favour to sell a few Xboxes.
But, as Master Chief responded to Cortana at the end of Halo: CE, "I think we're just getting started."
I was hooked.
Nothing had ever gripped my imagination like this before. All the pieces were in play, all the questions that I NEEDED answered. I awaited the release of Halo 2 with baited breath.
As did I with Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach.
Bungie had developed a completely involving space opera and one that you could become a part of. YOU were the hero. Everything about the Halo universe was designed to feel real, particularly the behaviour of the characters and units in the game. Halo made you part of a galactic conflict that felt like it could happen.
But Halo did something that only the likes of Tomb Raider had done before. It was no longer confined to the console.
Eric Nylund wrote novels to accompany the series which were endorsed by the producers. These went into incredible detail about the aspects of humanities ascent into the stars, its colonial wars, and the shocking and controversial development of the SPARTAN project. The books also looked at the war from both sides, offering the unique perspective of the Covenant forces; the Grunts, the Elites, the Brutes and the Prophets.
We were introduced to Dr. Catherine Halsey, the mastermind behind the SPARTAN inception. We met Fred and Kelly, members of John-117's original unit. And learned of the tragic fall of Reach, Earth's last, major bastion before it was attacked by the Covenant. The novels followed Master Chief throughout his journey as Earth's hero but also fleshed out many other characters and events along the way, expanding on the Halo universe as it went.
Many comparisons were made between the books and Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers in terms of content, storytelling, and realism.
When Halo 3 was released things went a step further.
By this time Halo and Master Chief had become household names. Adverts for the game were shown in theatres and TV and the franchise broke records for merchandising, something that another staple of pop culture, Harry Potter, had held before.
This was unlike any other gaming experience. It was a story that broke the constraints of its platform and went on to influence games that came after it. It shifted the focus from making not just an involving game but crafting an incredible story on which to support it.
Comic books by Marvel have been written showcasing the adventures of Master Chief, to accompany the games and the multitude of characters in the franchise. A Blu-ray was created to delve even deeper to the mystery of Halo, its origins and the history of The Covenant and humanity. A continuing range of action figures and vehicles have been released following all the games and developing the ideas within the saga. Halo Wars and Halo: Reach are both prequels to the trilogy that started with Halo: CE.
Reach was Bungies farewell to the series it so successfully ushered into the world. 343 Industries have now taken over management of Halo - this division of Microsoft was developed solely to run all things Halo and is even named after the Forerunner AI, 343 Guilty Spark, from the games.
This year, the game that started it all is ten years old and gets a re-mastering of its own.
Drawing any parallels to another franchise I mentioned earlier?
I wasn't there for Star Wars original release but Halo seems to have had that same cultural impact on my generation. It has captured fan's imagination and ran with the ball, going from strength to strength.
I hope it can continue to keep up the pace.
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Star Wars
Star Wars - When Nothing Was Ever the Same Again
By Niall Roche
There was a moment in the history of film making when everything changed. Before this moment, science fiction films occupied a fairly small niche position in film making and in movies people went to see. But when this moment happened, a change happened that virtually made science fiction the king of film styles for a long time to come. And that event was the initial release of Star Wars.
The fundamental difference in what surprised the world when those words scrolled across the screen and Star Wars took over science fiction movie making was the vision that George Lucas had when he conceived the films. When you have a man of vision creating something completely new, you know big changes are going to happen. But there are very specific ways that Star Wars changed science fiction movies forever that we can identify.
* Star Wars created a whole new model for movie making. Because it incorporated elements of the western and even of works of big vision like Wagner's operas, it reached for something much more noble and literary than what had been seen before.
* Star Wars was as much about people and their relationships as it was about science fiction. We cared about Luke and Leah and Hans from the moment we met them and the more people that got added to the adventure over the years, the more we cared about the human story as much as the space adventure.
* Star Wars was funny but it wasn't a comedy. That was a break through in science fiction movies. We knew about spoofs and science fiction comedies. And we knew about "serious" science fiction. But Star Wars combined the two and never stopped being a great science fiction movie.
* Star Wars birthed the blockbuster film. Next to Jaws, Star Wars is what got this entire era of huge movies making massive amounts of money going for the very first time. The funny thing was that it surprised George Lucas and the filmmakers as much as anybody.
* Star Wars made special effects explode and changed the scope of movies because of it. We had never seen effects so huge, so real and so fantastic as what we saw in Star Wars. From the bar scene with so much creativity on display to the spine tingling space war scenes, Star Wars was and is the standard every other film is held up to that tries to match the power of that movie.
Those of us that are massive Star Wars "geeks" know why we love it so. We love the stories, the people, the effects, and the excitement that a movie that stretched over six movies and many years and decades has held for us. But it's good to sit back and appreciate the incredible impact Star Wars has had on film history because after Star Wars came out, nothing was ever the same again. And that was a good thing.
You always wanted to be a jedi when you were growing up didn't you? The only thing that was stopping you was owning your own real lightsaber - why not own one today?
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Bayern Munich
Must-Know Bayern Munich Facts for Readers
By Kev Rob
FC Bayern Munich is one of the most celebrity football clubs in the world. The club, which is popularly known as FC Bayern or even called FCB, competes in the top-tier of German football system, commonly known as Bundesliga. Without any shade of doubt, Bayern Munich has been the most consistent performer in Bundesliga. They are the most successful entity in Bundesliga. The article is intended to share some amazing Bayern Munich facts with the readers.
Bayern Munich - Story of Success
The club has climbed to the crest of success since its establishment back in 1900. Franz John along with eleven players took the leading role to set up the club. It was in 1932 when the Bavarian side claimed their first national champions title. The club kissed their greatest success in the 1970s. Bayern won the European title in 1974 and successfully defended the same in the next two seasons under great captaincy of Franz Beckenbauer who is considered one of the greatest players football has ever produced.
Among the Bundesliga clubs, Bayern has marched their way to the finals of the UEFA Champions League for the maximum number of times. The club has been the most dominant one in Bundesliga. Though the club was not a part of Bundesliga during its inception, it has won the Bundesliga title for the highest number of time. The club has wrapped up UEFA Cup, FIFA Club World Cup, UEFA Super Cup, European Cup Winners Cup and also International Cups.
In a word, the club has earned respect and popularity on strength of its success both on national and international level. They have produced several football legends. Several Bayern Munich players were in the World Cup winning German team in 2014.
Bayern Munich - Rich in Resources
Bayern Munich is rich in resources both in terms of money and talent. As per the latest reports, the club is one of the wealthiest entities in the world of football. The club attracts both fresh and experienced footballers from all over the globe. They also nourish the young prospects at their own academy. The club has been managed by a number of brilliant coaches and is currently under the stewardship of Carlo Ancelotti.
Rivalry & Jersey
Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund have become arch rivals since mid of 1990s. Their rivalry has become more infamous as Bayern has been alleged of attracting the star players from Borussia Dortmund in order to maintain their monopoly in Bundesliga. The club's boys play in 'red and white' jersey. A 'white and blue' flag is the crest of Bayern.
Stadium & Members
The club has its home ground at the Allianz Arena. Olympiastadion used to be their home ground for 33 long years. Being popular internationally, the club has fans and followers all over the world.
Golden Goals
It is a football website that delivers historical facts and figures about the famous football clubs and players. The football crazy fans also flock to the website in search of live scores, updated news about matches and other football related information.
Golden goals is a popular website that gives updated facts about football matches, clubs and players. If you want to know FC Bayern Munich facts, log on the website.
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Britney Spears' Pictures:
Britney Spears' Pictures: Telling Life Beyond Words
By Amaryllis Zamora
Britney Spears' pictures have accompanied her in her entire career, and they sold as well as her as her albums did. Her larger-than-life star status rendered her pictures a different value. And her life's chronicles were accompanied by the visual appeal of Britney Spears' pictures. You cannot really expect to read up on news about Britney Spears if you cannot find Britney Spears' pictures partnering it. What has been observed from Britney Spears' pictures? There have been so many, but here we highlight a few of the best and worth highlighting.
From Rebel School Girl to Rehab Girl
Britney Spears' pictures painted her evolution. From her innocent but seductive "Hit Me Baby One More Time!" days up to her more daring "Toxic" days. All of Britney Spears' pictures combined paint a picture of consistent dramatic changes in her image-- reinvention at its utmost. You will find that in almost every celebrity-related website, Britney Spears' pictures are in abundance. Her famous flesh-colored suit adorned with crystals in one concert, to her long flowing gowns, to her performance outfits and even up to the sad time where she had personal
Numerous Hair Makeovers
Britney Spears fan are also close to making an entire memorabilia of Britney Spears' pictures in their own funded and uploaded websites. You need not look too far. Britney Spears' pictures have also been some sort of trend setter to her fans, who followed all the changes she made in her life: be it the radical haircut, the tattoos or even making outrageous coiffures to fit her reinventions to herself.
All her publicized relationships formed a special part of the gallery of her life as well as the people who closely followed what she was going to come up with next. Britney Spears' pictures with her two ex-husbands, her equally famous pop star ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake and even her relationships with then rival and fellow Mickey Mouse Club alumni Christina Aguilera were all hyped up and devoured by the masses. While words can be devoid of emotion, Britney Spears' pictures just showed facets of her relationships with many people in the colorful industry of show business.
Glories and Pitfalls
Britney Spears' pictures both painted all the things she has ever achieved and even the times she fell flat on her face. Her infamous partying with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan without her underwear, her pictures when she shaved her head off with clippers, and her attempts to see her children in Kevin Federlines' home, plus the incident of the paparazzi she attacked with an umbrella for not respecting her privacy are the most recent posts if you try to look for Britney Spears' pictures, but the glories that precede that were also just as many. Her winning numerous awards, her different image revamps and her lovely pictures of success at the prime of her career were all shadowed by the numerous booboos she had, which she is still working to get out of via rehabilitation.
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I have collected a lot of HQ photos of Britney Spears [] and other Celebrity Pictures []. Visit for more.
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Britney Spears Tickets
Britney Spears Tickets - Hitting the Road Again
By Matt Joal
Britney Spears is back! To be honest, she actually never left. Despite the drama Britney has endured for the last couple of years, the music industry is expecting that with her upcoming tour, Britney Spears tickets will still be in high demand.
Britney Spears tickets were a teenager's fantasy when she began touring in 1999 with her Baby One More Time Tour. Young girls and boys flocked to get Britney tickets during her rise to fame from the Mickey Mouse Club. This Louisiana native probably didn't have any idea how her life would play out or how successful she would be.
Dream a Little Dream
From 1991-1993, this young starlet played various roles on the hit show The Mickey Mouse Club. After her split in 1993, she went on to play herself in other television roles. No one was buying Britney tickets then. She was among a crop of teeny boppers trying to be rich and famous. Her 2002 film debut in the movie Crossroads sparked an increase in Britney Spears ticket sales. The PG-13 film grossed over $61 million.
There's no doubt that Britney Spears is a singing and dancing machine. Since she began touring in 1999 for her first studio album, Britney Spears has sold millions of tickets. She began a second tour entitled Crazy 2K Tour in 2000 to support her first album Baby One More Time. Being the workaholic that she is, Britney began another tour that same year. The 2000's Oops!...I Did It Again World Tour began June 20, 2000 until January 18, 2001. That tour was her first international tour with 58 stops in North America, 31 in Europe and 1 in South America. Her fourth tour from November 2001 to July 2002 was a bit Vegas-style with lots of pyrotechnics and a giant disco ball. Dream Within a Dream Tour grossed over $50 million from tickets sold and made 67 stops in North America with 1 in Japan.
If you think that Britney's tickets don't sell, think about all the people who purchased $40 million worth of her tickets in 2001. She also amassed over $162 million in record sales the same year. Not only do the Britney Spears tickets sell, but the merchandise at her concerts also sell sometimes to the tune of at least $100,000 per show.
After a brief hiatus, Britney tickets were on sale again for her 2004 The Onyx Hotel Tour, which featured New York-style theatrics with state-of-the-art stage pieces and screens. She greeted over 600,000 fans and grossed over $30 million earned from the tickets sold from North America and Europe tour stops.
After a couple of marriages, high-speed paparazzi chases and children, Britney tickets were on sale yet again in 2007. Dates for The M+M's Tour (aka The House of Blues Tour) only occurred in May 2007 in six U.S. cities. Britney tickets were often sold out ahead of time due to rumors of her locations prior to her performances.
'Circus' Time: New Britney Spears Tickets
Although Britney Spears has not toured since 2007, she is rearing to go for her upcoming 2009 tour The Circus. With a new workout regimen and her personal life now balancing out, Britney tickets are soon going to be the hottest selling tickets for 2009. Despite declining record sales over the past couple of years, Britney Spears is on the comeback. Her anticipated tour and hit singles on today's radio stations are bound to increase the sales of Britney Spears tickets.
You've seen her make guest appearances on How I Met Your Mother and Will & Grace, now get ready to see a new and improved woman on the stage. Britney Spears tickets are sure to sell out quickly. She is ranked in the Guinness World Records and is the eighth best-selling female recording artist with 31 million in certified albums.
Check online for dates when Britney Spears will be in your local area. Don't miss out. The Britney Spears concert will be the talk of 2009!
By Matt Joal, sponsored by - StubPass sells Britney Spears Tickets, sports tickets, concert tickets, theater tickets and more to just about any event in the world.
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Britney Spears' New Tour -
Britney Spears' New Tour - Just a Circus Or a New Start?
By Matt J Ryan
The Circus is coming to town! Meaning, either, Britney Spears' life on parade, or her new musical tour "Circus." The public is eagerly awaiting the answer - which one will it be? Britney has chosen to open her tour on March 3, 2009 in New Orleans. This Tour of the pop star's new album, Circus is the famous pop star's long-awaited re-entry into the music industry. During recent years, all of the focus on Britney has been on her far less than stable personal life, but both her fans and music executives hope that Britney's Circus Tour will revive her superstar status, and serve to welcome a new Britney Spears to the world. NEW ALBUM, SAME STAR?
The pop singer's sixth studio record Circus was released on November 28, 2008, and it has already reached number one on the Billboard charts. The Britney Spears Circus Tour will support Circus and will be interesting to see after her public downfall. Circus's debut falls in line with her other studio hits. This latest release is the singer's fifth number one album on the Billboard 200 charts.
There are those who will say that the title of her most recent album and tour is a little unfortunate. It's certainly a fitting description for the tone of her life over the last several years. This has been true as a result of rumored drug use, dissolving personal relationships, and bizarre personal behavior. Britney's people will tell you, however, that the Circus title will be the best named platform on which to stage her comeback. The comeback that will prove her capable of performing the greatest show on earth. Spears is ready to prove that despite her negative attention, she can still command an audience. The Circus Tour will highlight her pizzazz, and will serve to further what began as her entry back into the spotlight in early 2008, with guest appearances on popular television sitcoms. For instance, in September, 2008, she not only opened the MTV Video Music Awards, she also went on to win several awards there. Shortly thereafter Jive Records, her record label, announced that Circus was on its way. A mere eleven days later, 'Womanizer' was released to radio stations with mixed reviews, but only a few weeks later, the single had jumped to the Billboard Top 100 charts. With higher than expected sales, the Circus Tour has already exceeded expectations before it's even begun.
With the help of her friends, family and fans, her life has become more balanced, and she is moving to a much better plateau. With her attitude changed, the development of the Britney Spears Circus Tour could begin. A year ago with her dramatic lifestyle, no one would have imagined a number one album or number one single. However, with top debut sales of her sixth studio album Circus, she is on her way to become one of the top-selling females of 2008.
Make No Mistake - Circus is the Tour to See
Britney Spears re-introduced herself to the world through a much-anticipated performance on Good Morning America. Her first single from Circus, which hit the stores on Britney's 27th birthday, December 2nd, is entitled "Womanizer" and it has made a great impression on the music industry. This title track, some would say, has already proven that Britney can still sell music and concerts.
The 42-city Britney Spears Circus Tour begins in New Orleans on March 3, 2009 and ends April 28, 2009 in Rosemont, Illinois. The Britney Spears Circus Tour will tour eight dates in Europe in June 2009. Pop girl singing group The Pussycat Dolls is the opening act for the pop princess. The Britney Spears Circus Tour will be produced by famed director and choreographer Wade Robson.
Despite the difficulties of her personal life over the last few years, Britney Spears' Circus Tour might just be one of the hottest selling tours of 2009. Although it's easy to get caught up in her bad press of late, her fans have never forgotten that she already has an impressive musical career. All Circus need do is to contribute to her already impressive musical career. So, far, it's on a roll. The Britney Spears Circus Tour and her over 500,000 copies sold of Circus are a great start to the long-awaited, and much-renewed Britney Spears. Circus has been her long-awaited album since Blackout in 2007. What a difference a year makes! Hopefully the madness and drama are over, and the Britney Spears Circus Tour can bring back the old Britney Spears who was full of stamina and knockout performances. Get your tickets to the Britney Spears Circus Tour to see the act unfold.
By Matt Ryan, sponsored by StubPass sells Britney Spears Tickets, sports tickets, concert tickets, theater tickets and many more tickets to your favorite events around the world.
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