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eaning of Blockchain?

What Is the Meaning of Blockchain?

What Is the Meaning of Blockchain?
By Arash Rahimiardkapan

The blockchain is a unique invention: a brainchild of a person or group of people known as Satoshi Nakamoto. But since then it has developed into something more significant, and the central question everyone asks is: What is Blockchain?

By allowing the distribution of digital data but not copied, blockchain technology has created the backbone of a new type of internet. Initially designed for the digital currency, the Bitcoin community technology (Buy Bitcoin) now finds other potential benefits of technology.

Bitcoin is called "digital gold" and for a good reason. So far, the total value of the currency is close to 9 billion US dollars. And blockchains can make other types of numerical values. Like the Internet (or your car), you do not have to know how the blocker uses it. However, the basic knowledge of this new technology demonstrates why it is considered revolutionary.

Blockchain Durability and robustness

The Blockchain technology is like the Internet to have its robustness integrated. By storing identical information blocks in your network, blockchain cannot:

1. Has no single point of failure.

2. Be controlled by any single entity.

Bitcoin was invented in 2008. Since then, the Bitcoin blockchain has worked without significant disruption. (Until now, all the problems associated with Bitcoin are caused by hacking or mismanagement, in other words, these problems arise from evil intentions and human errors, not from imperfections in basic concepts).

The internet itself is almost 30 years old. This is a record that is good for blockchain technology because it is still evolving.

Who will use the blockchain?

As a web infrastructure, you do not need to know the chain of blocks to be useful in your life.

Currently, finance offers the most influential cases of technology use. For example, international payments. The World Bank estimates that more than $ 430 billion of remittances were sent in 2015. And for now, there is a high demand for development engineers.

Blockchain potentially reduces the intermediaries for this type of transaction. Personal computing has become more available to the general public with the graphical user interface (GUI) inventory, which has shaped the "desktop." Also, the most common GUIs designed for Blockchain are called like this. Wallet applications being used by people to buy things with Bitcoin and store them with other cryptoscultures.

Online transactions are closely related to identity verification processes. It is easy to imagine that portability applications change in the coming years to include other types of identity management.


Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Arash_Rahimiardkapan/2572828

Role In Good Governance: A Case of Uganda's Youth

Stakeholders' Role In Good Governance: A Case of Uganda's Youth

Stakeholders' Role In Good Governance: A Case of Uganda's Youth
By Jacob Waiswa Buganga

As citizens, we have a noble role of promoting national interests within and outside the country, so that people are attracted to invest in it.

In our respective capacities we have platforms, both offline and online forms, which can be used for business and to promote trade between home country and other countries in the region, or elsewhere in the world.

Indeed, we can best use these platforms to serve our people and world for common good. There is no better strength to show than empowering ordinary citizens to reach their potential, anywhere in the world. An empowered citizen is potentially healthy, productive, affords to live a dignified life, participates constructively in development endeavours, and promotes good governance, he or she is capable of undertaking investments, and contributes to prosperity of the nation.

Participation of young people and youth in leadership is a succession strategy to build much-needed experience in leadership to take over the management and administration of the country one the aging leaders retire from public service or through natural deaths. Participants on local and international platforms on leadership, research, and innovations tend to have leadership skills to provide their respective countries with secure paths to sustainable development and peace.

For Uganda, the story is different. The youths are reduced into endless supporters of the withering crop of leaders and fight off fellow prospective youths from ever getting the opportunities to become top-level leaders. For example, nomination fee of 2 million is required from prospective youths to participate in elective politics, which majority of the unemployed and economically-struggling youth cannot have. This means that only the rich, who are often children of aging leaders, or children of parents with powerful businesses and strong association to the reigning leadership qualify for too-most position, if at all, they are not compromised to keep away from them. This encourages inequality, underachievement, and entrenchment of poverty in the country. The youth gets disassociated with events in the country and realigns to the outside world, which is willing to welcome and give them platforms for self-determination and emancipation.

The dejected youths use their networks to interest international actors in issues affecting development of countries of origin. Besides, they force their way out of the country, where they see no future, to foreign lands that replenish their hopes for a better future. These are areas you find necessary to invest in order to facilitate improvement of the business environment, allow free movement, and trade. For these to happen security is key, whether physical, human, environment or socioeconomic security. They all contribute to high consumption, increased demand, increased productivity and freedom to do business, which are indicators of prosperity. Therefore, your role and support for transformation of our political party and country is very crucial, timely and necessary.

Partnerships play a leading role in pooling resources and channeling them to effect a common development cause. It is meaningful and constructive to work together, especially in times of crisis and uncertainty, so that together partners can mobilise and conduct joint implementation exercises to meet set development targets and promote inclusive and sustainable governance systems. It is also relevant that any kind of support outside the usual sources can be found to strengthen progress and target greater achievements for a group or community of concern. Greater focus must be on building financial sustainability and technical capacity to address challenges to youth and country development, and correct political and economic injustices, collapse of the rule of law, disenfranchisement of 70 percent of the country's youth, youth unemployment, and rampant poverty.

Luckily, there are development programmes that provide entry points for youths to develop their ideas into material benefits, such as periodical national elections, public service, commercial agriculture, ecotourism, and environment conservation. This increases involvement and participation of youths in avenues that transform their undesirable socioeconomic and political situation, which prevents uncertainties Ugandans have over our economy, politics and social life. Further, this helps to prevent violent protests, unnecessary killings and death, encourage growth of businesses, promote foreign investment, promote healthy relations between states, and boost economic growth of the country and region.

Until the levels of income inequality, poverty, and limited political power, the future remains uncertain in terms of inclusive and sustainable wellbeing. Forecast indicates a worse future than the present in terms limited influence in decisionmaking, entrenchment of corruption, shortage of social services, unemployment, failure of businesses, household poverty, poor healthcare, and poor quality infrastructure. On another hand, the country will feature widespread discontent, high crime levels, increasing threats to human security, characterised by deaths from preventable, socioeconomic tensions, and political instability.

In such an environment, production, investment and markets are limited, which lead to economic collapse. Statistics on poverty are not friendly at all. The number of Ugandans languishing in poverty is increasing annually. This is showed by increased number of people, who are poor from 19.7 percent in 2017 to between 21.4 to 25 percent in 2019. Experience shows that the poor at not breaking out of the poverty cycle, and dying of starvation and malnutrition led conditions.

The measure used to measure poverty is ability of Ugandans to sustain livelihood above $1 a day. However, this varies from one geographical place to another. In some places, a dollar a day sustains life more than elsewhere in the country. On average a minimum of $2 is required to cater for food. This means that the individual in that category is not able to afford medical treatment, to pay rent, provide for his or her family's basic needs and secure his future with decent livelihood. In fact the chronic poverty levels are reasonably higher, up to 60 percent. In that regard, human security and investments are endangered.

The cities and urban centers face high incidences of crime more than ever before. The Uganda Police Report on Crime and Road Safety 2019 shows that crime reached 87.5 percent from 67.1 percent. It is a huge concern now that, as Ugandans leave their homes they are not sure of their safety to and from home. Their dreams are easily cut short by violent crime and sudden deaths it loss of valuable assets. In certain locations of Kampala, deaths happen on daily basis due to lawlessness.

The mostly poor youth risk joining criminal gangs to meet their unfulfilled goals, like acquiring property and living decent lives. The women and girls are most affected: they are raped, killed for ransom and trafficked into prostitution. We can help save our people from extremism through active involvement of government in solving socioeconomic challenges our youth face and expanding government-led investment to provide solutions tangible answers to unemployed youth. This comes handy with introduction of free vocational education for school leavers to encourage self-employment, encourage transparency during delivery of public services, and allow equal participation of Ugandans in development programmes run by government in selected regions of the country.

While outbreak of Covid19 taught the world to adopt inclusive development strategy and pro-people political agendas, experiences show different side of the coin; the pro-people agendas were temporarily set and implemented in the short-term, and manipulated in the mid-term, and long-term frames. This shows that no worse history and experience can teach human beings to take precautions and reform anti-social practices that render masses vulnerable to natural hazards and preventable risks. It is more so most challenging to manage crises without the youthful generations. The crises are most damaging without the active role of youths in governance.

Otherwise, it is most logical to have young people actively participate in development of their country and any positive change for future wellbeing. On the other hand, young people ought to demonstrate interest, capacity, and readiness to play leading roles in governance and development, by demonstrating capabilities in their current levels and statuses. This will contribute enormously to productivity of the youth population, security and peace in the country.

It is equally meaningful the deliberate government endeavour to involve youths in national development planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluations of activities for national transformation, prosperity and sustainable peace. And ensure that reports and proper accountability systems are place and transparent.

Stakeholders, including youths need to witness how well public officials perform for the general good if their country so that the great works of exceptional public servants are replicated once the new generation of public servants and leaders takeover management of the country.

Institutional Strengthening @IMI: https://www.integratedmentalhealthinitiative.org/what-we-do/ Email: info@integratedmentalhealthinitiative.org

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jacob_Waiswa_Buganga/265627

Lunar Eclipse

How a Lunar Eclipse Ignites Cosmic Connection

How a Lunar Eclipse Ignites Cosmic Connection
By Nancy L Ivey

Like many other people, I awoke early on the last day of January 2018 to watch the full lunar eclipse of the Super Blue Moon. The second full moon within the same month is known as a "Blue Moon." The full lunar eclipse occurs when both the moon and earth align with the sun and the earth casts its shadow across the face of the moon. During this eclipse, the moon was orbiting closest to the earth so it appeared larger and brighter than usual. We call this a Super Moon.

Venturing outside at 4am, I saw the curved shadow of the earth shading the top edge of the moon. Sitting on the picnic table in the still darkness, I watched while the earth totally eclipsed the moon by 5:30am. While driving to work half an hour later, my last glimpse of the eclipse showed an ellipse of light just glinting at the top edge of the moon as La Luna began to emerge from the shadow.

At work that day I had the best day ever. Everything was going my way as Santana would say. I was so happy all day long. Upon returning home to my front yard, the picnic table where I sat witnessing the eclipse seemed different. It was shimmering in a numinous halo of blood-blue-super moon, total eclipse energy. We did half-moon pose in our evening yoga class to commemorate the magical morning.

A few days later, while processing the experience, I remembered physicist cosmologist Brian Swimme's notion that we humans are the culmination of a billion year process of the evolving universe. In his book, The Universe is a Green Dragon Swimme forges a cosmology where humans are "a space, an opening, where the universe celebrates its existence."

Swimme knows when he looks at the night sky, that his feelings of awe and wonder for the majesty of life does not rise alone in his being, but are rather the feelings of the universe reflecting upon its own grandeur. He describes the universe as this single energetic event, that is a unified but multiform outpouring of being. We humans embody all the cosmological powers of the universe, such as gravity which we manifest as attraction and love. We are connected to everything.

"To live," he reminds us, "is to enter this beauty, surrounded by enchantment, summoned by magnificence." Great minds think alike and another principled scientist, from a different discipline, confirms Swimme's hypothesis.

Biologist E.O Wilson coined the term, "biophilia," to describe our affinity with life, or as he clarifies, "the innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes." Wilson argues that the freedom we humans seek is inextricably linked to the green places of the planet. He exhorts us to "explore and affiliate with life as our existence depends on this propensity, our spirit is woven from it, hope rises on its currents."

While describing how the eclipse had affected me to a nurse friend, she reminded me that the moon was closest to the earth during this event. She remembered that when she worked at the hospital they had to staff extra people in the OB clinic during a super full moon since more babies were born during these times. The moon pulls the earth's waters and we humans are composed of water too. A baby's first environment is amniotic fluid, the watery ocean within the uterine placenta where a baby develops while in the womb.

If I didn't think I was connected to the whole thing by then I was certainly more convinced now. While discussing this transformative phenomena with Dr. John Galaska, my neurofeedback practitioner in Ojai, he suggested that just like a single bad event can create a lasting change in someone, so too can a single good event, which seems to be what has happened to me.

Hindus use the term "darshan" when referring to what we might call "view." This could imply a particular philosophical perspective, but is also popularly considered as a blessing, such as when the mountain looks over the valley, bestowing darshan. Eyes painted on temple roofs are meant to convey the darshan of the temple's resident deity. This must be why I can meditate outside so much easier than indoors. I am really present in the now with no monkey mind. The darshan is flowing between me and the universe.

When I learned that yoga postures may have arisen millennia ago as a metamorphic embrace of the habitat, it changed everything for me. In honor of the recent heavenly spectacle, instead of practicing the series of postures called "suryanamaskar," (sun salutation), I'll be reviving a lesser-known practice: "salute to the moon."

Nancy Lynn Ivey, MA holds graduate degrees in religion and is a freelance journalist focused on holistic health, wellness and spirituality. She teaches yoga at California State University, Bakersfield and at her studio Yogaya in the mountains above the Kern River Valley in Central California's Kern County. As a member of the couchsurfing community she hosts travelers and pilgrims on the path and is building a gesodesic dome to house a retreat center in the beautiful fountain of youth river valley where she teaches and lives. As an Upledger certified craniosacral therapist and certified vegan chef she shares therapeutic protocols both local and online through food, newsletters, articles, classes, bodywork sessions, sound therapy, art, and theater where she invites the greater community to recharge their incarnational vehicle. To read more about her work visit her websites at http://www.nancyivey.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nancy_L_Ivey/1604280

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